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Friday, November 18, 2011

Today's workout

I ran 4 miles on the Treadmill and it took me a little over 45 minutes. I am learning to not beat myself up over the time because I really need to focus on endurance, but sometimes it's so easy to feel ashamed after reading some of the other ladies times! I'll get there one day though..Right now I just have to focus on running what I can, injury free!

The first .5 mile was a little rough. My knee and hip were feeling a little achy, but then mile 2 was super easy and then I had to push through the third. I was originally going to stop at 3 especially because that last mile was getting rough, but then it started getting better and I told myself anything over 3 is great...

I added a whole extra mile. 4 is the longest I have run in awhile and I feel good. I am gonna ice and stretch really good, but I am starting to feel a little more confident that I will be able to get through the training plan (fingers crossed).

So...With my training plan I am going to be doing some cross training and working on building muscle back up. I really miss my personal trainer, but I couldn't bring him with me (husband's lame rule). So here is a before photo:

Also, I wish I could wear my compression pants everywhere I go every single day! They are comfortable and tuck everything in nicely :)

Keep an eye out for my Training tab because I am planning on putting my whole half training log on there and thinking about measurements and before photos..(We'll see about those)


  1. Um... that's your before picture? Your arms look FABULOUS. Remind me not to run into you in a dark alley during this training plan. I can't wait to see the after!

  2. Ha, thanks girl! I had been working out with a trainer last year and he was awesome....Things happened with his schedule and he stopped working at my gym and then we moved and I haven't worked on my arms and legs in a long time so I am hoping to get them back to where they are! I am completely harmless, promise :)
